Shenzhen Daai Medical Technology Co. Ltd is committed to the R&D,product,sale,service of physical theray and rehabilitation equipment.Focus on Specific Electromagnetic Therapeutic Plaster and Disposable Cold Compress Plaster and Disposable Cold Compress Plaster.Our factory has a great standard system of production....

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Shenzhen da'ai
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Agent bonker TDP moxibustion paste, development is simple, on the amount of easy
  Policy Development cycle Loading time Development cost Sales volume Profit margin Management
Bangke TDP moxibustion paste Relatively loose, some places need bidding 1-2 months depending on Region 1-2 months Less, write reports and attend meetings The emergency department opened up the situation, and many departments increased the quantity at the same time, and 20-40 pieces were sold monthly in medium-sized hospitals Base price supply, large operation space Send director and agent experience, and then agent, quality problems can be returned, no risk
Large medical equipment Bidding is required Half a year or more No, Huge One time purchase Large One time purchase
Warm baby hot paste You can't go to the hospital Can't get in You can't go to the hospital You can't go to the hospital You can't go to the hospital You can't go to the hospital You can't go to the hospital
Copyright Shenzhen da'ai Medical Technology Co., Ltd 
